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Corporate Mentoring

Donations of computer equipment, supplies, office furniture and other goods are a popular means to assist ICVolunteers.
Donations of computer equipment, supplies, office furniture and other goods are a popular means to assist ICVolunteers.

Corporate partners can make a crucial contribution to ICVolunteers and to the communities in which we work, while enjoying the benefits of association with our organization.

Corporate volunteering allows employees to share their knowledge and skills with non-profit organizations and individuals who need them, while developing both personally and professionally.

At ICVolunteers, we tailor our volunteer projects to the needs and interests of each partner, providing both short- and long-term opportunities in an international setting.

Samples of Corporate Projects

Management advice. Individuals with private sector experience can supply invaluable expert consultations to ICVolunteers, on a one-time or ongoing basis, on financial, legal and other organizational management issues.

Conference services. Your employees can work as a team or with other ICV volunteers to help host, interpret and report on some of Geneva's most interesting and important international conference events. Specific tasks include event planning, welcoming and assisting delegates, translation and interpretation, writing and editing reports on conference proceedings, and providing multimedia support.

Transportation. ICVolunteers welcomes assistance from companies with transportation of materials and volunteers to support projects around the globe, as well as donations of frequent flyer miles and other benefits.

Communications and journalism. ICVolunteers directly involves hundreds of volunteers in the documentation process for social, humanitarian and environmental events. Your employees can write and edit articles, interviews and other contributions for ICVolunteers publications, our website and other online forums, as well as mentor fellow volunteers in vital communications and journalistic skills.

Information and communications technology. Individuals with information and communication technology skills can participate in a variety of local, regional and international economic development projects for a period of several weeks or months, in areas including web or software development, system administration and content generation.

Volunteer abroad. In addition to our activities in the Geneva area, ICVolunteers works throughout Europe, as well as in Canada, Africa and South America. Your company can work with staff locally, where you have an office present, or can arrange to send one or more employees to work abroad on dynamic projects in the areas described above.

Other professional services. The professional talents of your employees are in great demand at ICVolunteers. We enthusiastically welcome volunteer professionals in fields including accounting, bookkeeping, computer maintenance, and other areas.

In-kind donations. Donations of computer equipment, supplies, office furniture and other goods are another popular means to assist ICVolunteers.

©1997-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|