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New logo: life is hands-on!

New logo: life is hands-on!
Patrycja Perek, traducción española Diego Beamonte, traduction française Camille Saadé. Oct 2011.

Sometimes when looking at a piece of artwork, we say we see the impressions of the artist’s hand. More...
Tell us your story!

Tell us your story!
May 2011.

Tell us why you are a volunteer! ICVolunteers is putting together a video that will constitute a series of testimonials from volunteers around the world telling their experiences. More...
WSIS Stocktaking: Participate!

WSIS Stocktaking: Participate!
Traducción española Diego Beamonte, traduction française Kate O'Dwyler. Aug 2011.

The World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva 2003, Tunis 2005) brought together governments, civil society and private sector. More...
An afternoon in the park not like others

An afternoon in the park not like others
Article by Patrycja Perek, traduction française Kate O'Dwyer, traducción española Diego Beamonte. Aug 2011.

De juillet à août 2011, 18 ateliers GreenVoice ont impliqué plus de 200 enfants de Genève dans différentes activités éducationnelles autour de l'environnement. More...

Jul 2011.

Photography Exhibition – Workshops for children: Perspectives on the environment, citizenship and volunteerism
From the 18th of July until the 28th of August 2011, the promenade on Quai Wilson in Geneva will hold a photography exhibition organized by GreenVoice, a program focused on the environment. More...
"Fête de la musique – A feast, not only for your soul"

"Fête de la musique – A feast, not only for your soul"
Article by Patrycja Perek, traduction française Kate O' Dwyer, traducción española Diego Beamonte. Jun 2011.

Certaines personnes disent que le véritable chemin pour toucher le cœur d’un homme passe par son estomac. More...
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
Traducción española Diana Salcedo, traduction française Florence Leport. May 2011.

The Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the Global Reconstruction Conference were jointly held from 8 to 13 May 2011. More...
The future of volunteerism in Europe

The future of volunteerism in Europe
May 2011.

CEV meeting in Tallinn, Estonia
CEV General Assembly, Tallinn, Estonia: the topic of voluntary action has gained momentum in Europe over the past years; the European Year of Volunteering 2011 is the latest peek. More...
Voluntary Sector meets in Turkey to move Global Agenda

Voluntary Sector meets in Turkey to move Global Agenda
By UNV adapted, traduction française Florence Leport, traducción española Diego Beamonte. Apr 2011.

Ankara, Turkey: volunteer organizations from across Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Commonwealth of Independent States gathered in the Turkish capital to discuss IYV+10. More...
Enquiry: Volunteering and Technologies

Enquiry: Volunteering and Technologies
Apr 2011.

Your voice matters… tell us what you think!
Tell us how you use technologies and what kinds of services you would like ICVolunteers and its CyberVolunteers Program develop in the future!. More...
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Traducción española Miguel Ortiz, traduction française Florence Leport. Mar 2011.

ICVolunteers expresses its condolences to colleagues and friends affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami which hit the coast of Japan on Friday, 11 March 2011. More...
3rd Call for Environmental Photography

3rd Call for Environmental Photography
Dec 2010.

"Water and Forest, Citizenship and Volunteering"
ICV invites all those who wish to share their vision and perspective on the topic of water and forest, citizenship and volunteerism to participate in the 3rd call for creative photography. More...
Despite arctic conditions 79 tons of goods collected

Despite arctic conditions 79 tons of goods collected
Traducción al español Miguel Ortiz. Dec 2010.

Despite the arctic conditions hundreds of volunteers showed up in 71 shopping centres, achieving a harvest of 79 tons of household products. More...
Exhibit at Cité du Temps: GreenVoice

Exhibit at Cité du Temps: GreenVoice
Jul 2010.

Diverse Perspectives on the Environment, Citizenship and Volunteerism
From 5 August to 5 September 2010, photographs of the GreenVoice campaign will be exhibited at Cité du Temps in Geneva. More...
From the BC era to Cyberknives

From the BC era to Cyberknives
Vish Mannava, Viola Krebs, traduction française Aude Elser, traducción al castellano de Miguel Ortiz. Apr 2010.

An interview with Dr. Krishnan Ganapathy, Neurosurgent of Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India
From 18 to 21 April 2010, ICV's Conference Team has been on the move with 58 conference volunteers mobilized, involved in welcoming services and reporting for the Geneva Health Forum (GHF). More...

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