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4th Call for Creative Photography

4th Call for Creative Photography
By Antonella Russo and Nuria Vicente, traduction française Camille Saade, traducción española Jennifer Casado Gomez-Shallti. Apr 2013.

For the fourth consecutive year, GreenVoice launches a call for volunteer photographers, the first step of which is a call in Geneva. More...
Rhythms, colors and perspectives

Rhythms, colors and perspectives
By Camille Saade, English translation Nazir Sunderji, traducción española Jennifer Casado Gomez-Shallti. Apr 2013.

During the week of March 18 to 24, 2013, ICV participated in "Plainpalais, Diverse Perspectives" as part of the Week Against Racism. More...
GreenVoice a Voice for the Clipperton Expedition

GreenVoice a Voice for the Clipperton Expedition
By Viola Krebs, traduction française Camille Saadé, traducción española Andrea González Álvarez. Feb 2013.

ICV's GreenVoice program is currently involved in the documentation of the 2013 Clipperton Island Expedition to head off from San Diego, USA, on 18 February 2013. More...
Inauguration ICV Arcade

Inauguration ICV Arcade
Jan 2013.

ICV, international non-profit organization specialized in the field of communications, is starting a new chapter: on 31st January 2013, ICV Arcade was inaugurated. More...
Timbuktu freed

Timbuktu freed
Jan 2013.

It is with relief that we hear Timbuktu has been freed, but with sadness for all the treasures lost, in particular the manuscripts of Ahmed Baba. More...
Perm Conference on Volunteerism for Social Transformation

Perm Conference on Volunteerism for Social Transformation
Traduction française Camille Saadé, traducción española Jennifer Casado Gomez-Shallti. Dec 2012.

Nazir Sunderji reporting from Moscow
Nazir Sunderji, Senior Advisor of ICVolunteers and speaker at the Perm, Russia, International Conference on Volunteerism for Social Transformation (5-6 December 2012) filed the following report. More...
Swiss Government supports the Ethical Fashion initative

Swiss Government supports the Ethical Fashion initative
Traduction française de Lisandro Nanzer, traducido por Jennifer Casado. Nov 2012.

The Ethical Fashion Initiative Ghana Project, funded by the Swiss Government, is aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs in the fashion and fabric industry to create employment. More...
Pink night

Pink night
Leticia Saura, English translation Victora Delarue, traducción española Maria Murciego. Oct 2012.

On 5 October 2012, the Genève-Servette Hockey Club Foundation for Childhood and Humanitarian Action joined the Breast Cancer Network in the fight against breast cancer during the ice hockey match against HC Bienne. More...
E-TIC: screening of film and debate in Guédé-Chantier, Senegal

E-TIC: screening of film and debate in Guédé-Chantier, Senegal
Traducción española Andrea González Álvarez. Oct 2012.

The screening of the film 'Agriculture of Tomorrow' took place in the Ecocommune of Guede-Chantier, Podor in the Fouta region of Senegal. More...
ICTs to link generations and communities

ICTs to link generations and communities
Traducción española Alexis Bustillos. Sep 2012.

On 21st September 2012, delegates from European and African countries met at the occasion of two roundtables to discuss the meaningful use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). More...
ICTs for Africa Roundtable

ICTs for Africa Roundtable
Sep 2012.

Examples from Agriculture, Health and the Textile Sector
On 21st September 2012, five years to the day since the launch of the initial idea of the E-TIC program, concrete results were presented at the International Conference Center of Geneva on the use of communication technologies in rural areas of Africa. More...
Knowledge Volunteers Conference

Knowledge Volunteers Conference
Sep 2012.

21 September 2012
Active aging and solidarity between generations: 7 countries meet around "The Knowledge Volunteers" (TKV) project. More...
Ethical Fashion Survey

Ethical Fashion Survey
Aug 2012.

ICVolunteers is currently involved in an ethical fashion project developed in connection with Ghana. More...
E-TIC: call for illustrations

E-TIC: call for illustrations
Diego Beamonte, traduction française Olga Kouessi, traducción española Luz Martinez. Jul 2012.

The E-TIC program of ICV is looking for skilled artists and illustrators to participate in a communications campaign in West Africa. More...
E-TIC: linking knowledge with needs

E-TIC: linking knowledge with needs
By Diego Beamonte, traducción al español Diego Beamonte, traduction française Cindy Bellemin-Magninot. Jun 2012.

ICV’s E-TIC program focuses on activities in both Mali and Senegal, providing tools and training components to small farmers, herders and fishermen. More...

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