4th Call for Creative Photography

By Antonella Russo and Nuria Vicente, traduction française Camille Saade, traducción española Jennifer Casado Gomez-Shallti
11 April 2013

For the fourth consecutive year, GreenVoice launches a call for volunteer photographers, the first step of which is a call in Geneva. This call happens in continuation to the various exhibitions organized, the biggest of which took place in summer of 2011 on Quai Wilson. The aim is to motivate citizens to point the lens of their camera on issues related to the environment.

Let’s do it! Join the global community of garbage mappers!

For its initiative, GreenVoice will this year collaborate with the Let’s do it campaign, a fast-expanding civic movements. Started in 2008 in Estonia, 50,000 people came together to get rid of 10,000 tons of illegal garbage from roadsides, forests and towns, cleaning the entire country in just 5 hours. The movement has been growing since, with partnerships and clean-up initiatives in many different countries.

GreenVoice Perspectives

We wish to demonstrate that inaction is no longer a valid option and show that daily environmental gestures of each and everyone can make a great difference. We do know that there is garbage lying around. But to start changing this reality, it is best to first get a clear picture about the situation. We want to encourage citizens to actively participate and help create a pleasant and clean environment.

Geneva, now it’s time

All citizens together with the help of local authorities and partners are welcome to clean dirty places of Geneva: household waste, waste around schools, in parks, near the roadsides, riverbanks, banks of the lake, etc. The goal is to collect as much waste as possible in and around the city.

Let’s talk less, let’s do more!” citizens will participate in the campaign Let's do it – Geneva! and contribute on a voluntarily basis to the creation of a beautiful environment.

How to participate

There is a place in Geneva that you would like to clean?

You love the riverside, but not at all the garbage scattered everywhere?
What are you waiting for? Let’s do it!

Best photographs will be published on GreenVoice website and become part of the GreenVoice photo campaign. Your photos will be evaluated based on relevance in relation to the topic.

Watch out: technical specifications

  • Format: jpg or tif
  • Quality: 300 px / inch
  • Minimal size: width or height 2000 px
  • Support: digital
  • Max. number of photos submitted: 5

Image publication

ICVolunteers reserves the right to published any and all photos received in our various communication tools and on the GreenVoice website. And of course, as always, we credit the work of photographers and are also interested in getting with your submission a few lines about yourself. By agreeing to participate in this campaign, you agree to sending us photographs, free of rights, thus contributing significantly to raising awareness.

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