3rd Call for Environmental Photography

"Water and Forest, Citizenship and Volunteering"
Photo © Lina Emjak
Photo © Lina Emjak
24 December 2010

ICVolunteers (ICV) has been developing for a decade of initiatives to raise awareness on social, humanitarian and environmental problems in order to link knowledge with needs.

We want to emphasize, through our projects, how civil society can contribute to citizenship through proactive activities and the knowledge of environmental protection.

For the past three years, the campaign includes GreenVoice photos from different countries around the world, viewpoints on the environment and our planet. To date, the project brought together some 700 images covering close to 100 countries, the most telling of which have been exhibited in different venues and galleries in Geneva and Barcelona.

For this third call for creative photography, we chose as a specific topic:

"Water and Forest, Citizenship and Volunteering"

After the jury selection, the best photographs will be exhibited in a prestigious location in the heart of Geneva International, on "Quai Wilson", the busiest walkway of Lake Geneva. This location will allow pictures to be seen by an important number of local and international people.

ICV invites all those who wish to share their vision and perspective on the environment to participate in the 3rd call for creative photography.

Conditions for participation

The photos will be selected based on:

  • The relevance of the photographs in relation to the proposed subject;
  • The artistic quality of your shots using the criteria of originality, composition, treatment of light, aesthetics...

Deadline for submissions: 31st March 2011

Technical specifications

  • Format: jpg or tiff
  • Min. resolution: 300 dpi
  • Minimum size: width or height 3000 px
  • Medium: Digital
  • Max. photos submitted: 5
  • Texts: your brief biography and a description on how the photos relate to the topic
  • Mailing address: greenvoice@icvolunteers.org

To learn more about GreenVoice, visit the GreenVoice site.

See press article in Tribune de Genève and TV reportage by TSR, 24 August 2010.

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