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Sarah-Jane Goodall
10 yrs experience in logistics, event management and sales; ranging from youth expeditions to remote destinations - to large scale prestigious events at the Royal Geographical Society in London.
— Sarah-Jane, Switzerland
Abukari Shaibu Niendow
My participation in these voluntary service will go along way to help me share what I have learn and what I have in me to my fellow participants, especially with my back ground experience as a charity organization founder and president.
— Abukari, Ghana
veronica llumipanta
hi, i´m 21 years old a i really engoy meeting new people and helping them, i always smile because i think that a smile can change a lot of lifes, also i want to help people with my knowledge and i will do all i can to do this.
— veronica, Ecuador

©1997-2024 ICVolunteers|conception + programmation mcart group|Mis à jour: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|