Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE)

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

10 September 2004, Bern, Switzerland


Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE).

Project details

Presentations and round table on scientific development aimed specifically at post-graduates from countries in the South.

KFPE is dedicated to promoting research partnerships with developing and transition countries. KFPE is engaged in Swiss scientific policies and is committed to promoting the interests of researchers and their affiliated institutions on both a national and international level. It furthers development-oriented research and elaborates research-strategic concepts. In this context, it ascertains that partnership principles are followed, that the quality of research is assured, and that the interests of all partners are respected.

KFPE is a commission of the Council of Swiss Scientific Academies. For the past 10 years, KFPE has promoted scientific partnerships with institutions based in developing and emerging countries. What has changed in the last ten years within the various institutions? What should we expect from the future? What are the experiences and partnership requests coming from the South at present? What are the most urgent questions or the questions to which we still do not have any solution? These and many more issues were discussed during the conference held in Bern, Switzerland.

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Volunteering Opportunities

Four volunteers interpreters worked from French and German into English.

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